Knowing Me!!!
Knowing Me!!!
Why Now?
I am by name Jacob Ayo Alexis and I'm an Undergraduate studying for my bachelors in Medical Laboratory Sciences. With a radical personality I love being with Stars coz I'm one as we all are just in different areas. I am a citizen of Nigeria and I have hopes that I would turn it to what it ought to be.
I love meeting new people, going to new places, knowing and trying out new things and that was when I discovered this part of my life. That I can start changing everyone from here. That I can make a difference in you by letting you know that there are other people like you out there who are exploiting their true potentials.
Apart from these there are a set of people who hold a special place in my heart and though they might look out of the picture I want to be a voice to them, I want to make them understand they are part of the very world the live in, to give them a sense of belonging and these are The Orphans, Homeless, Social Outcasts and Fugitives. I've got this passion in my heart for them and I want you to get to know their stories so you understand that they are part of this our one world, one people and one specie.
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